Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Stories I Can't Find

Lost Stories: I read these a long, long time ago and now I can't find them. If you know where they are, I will be forever grateful.

Collecting Emilys-

This one is a murder mystery, but not the type where the case gets solved at the end. A detective notices that a lot of people with the same last name are dying and gets really suspicious. Word gets out there's a serial killer targeting people of a certian last name. A small boy with the last name is playing his yard and talks to a stranger. The stranger tells him, "Your mom is really lucky her son is cute." and the boy lives. Later, a group of people in a diner are sitting around discussing the mysterious killer their favorite theories regarding his origins and why he is targeting people with the specific last name . One of the guys gives a theory that the killer is playing a game with the authorities: he picks a random characteristic that people may share (in this case, a last name) and targets these people exclusively until the police catch on to what he's doing.

Everyone in the diner is super-weirded out with the guy, but eventually the group disbands, and the guy and a girl named Emily are the only one's left. They continue to talk about the killings and the girl says something like, "well at least they (the authorities) are on to him now." and the guy is like, "They're not going to catch him, the fun is over once they figure out what characteristic he's targeting people by." now he'll just pick another random characteristic. The story ends with Emily (the idiot) has agreed to allow this guy to accompany her across town. And the guy says "Collecting Emilllllllyyyyyyysss"

Highway Robbery-

These two guys are trying to get to this place and they're driving their car across the desert or somewhere. No civilization for miles and miles and miles, and their care is having touble and then they find this kind of rest stop with this auto mechanic's garage.

Basically the auto mechanic keeps finding new stuff wrong with their car so that he can fix it and make more money. You (the reader) feel real bad for the guys because they keep talking about the place that they need to get to, and they're being swindled by this auto-mechanic guy.

At the end of the story, the guys finally get away from the mechanic with their car...Turns out these two guys were actually robbers on their way to rob a bank.

The One With the Girl And The Cat and the Teacher/Neighbor-

This middle school girl is kind of lonely, she has a mom and a dad and a brother. Her teacher is this middle-aged lady. One day she and her family go to this county fair thing and someone is selling a liter of kittens, she falls in love with one of them but doesn't have enough money for it. She can't persuade anyone to give her the extra two dollars or whatever for the kitten, So she steals her teacher's wallet and takes the two dollars to buy the cat.

I'm sure theirs other stuff that happens in the story but all I remember is that every time she looked at this cat that she loved, she was reminded of something she did that was wrong. And every time she's around the teacher/neighbor he has to pretend like they're all friends and everything's normal and "no I never did steal your wallet out of your purse. nope, not me."

At the end the teacher kinda knew about it all along, she get's confronted by the teacher and the two eventually share ownership of the cat. Like, where the cat stays with her part time, and visits the teacher/neighbor part time.

Yes that is a super cheesy ending. But it was sooooo sweet that this girl was so conflicted about it through the whole story and the sharing of the pet was a really meaningful reconciliation. 

Of course, she could have just PAID THE FREAKING TWO DOLLARS BACK...

But wasn't just about the repaying of a debt, more like the rebuilding of a friendship. 

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