Saturday, February 18, 2012

Question Marks and Exclamation Points

This picture brings a couple of things to mind. Some of them are hard to articulate in any other way then...


Why would someone choose this?!?  The concept is really confusing to me.

I realize there are quite a few people who do it and have no reservations but I personally struggle to understand it. Forever, there will be a person with 'your name on it' (So to speak) who you....the donor...will have nothing to do with.

Back when I was taking Anatomy, I had a lab partner who, along with her husband, had donated their respective gametes to a service like this.

The answer, for my lab partner, was money. Both the husband and wife were going to school and needed help paying tuition and expenses for themselves and their children.

I remember thinking, and trying to empathize: "Wow, it must be really tempting, having a simple procedure done and not have to worry about how you're going to pay for school."

Then recently I saw the picture above...and saw how much you actually get for it.

4500 dollars?

 That's all?? That's NOTHING?!


UGH, Just NO!!

I cannot conceive of such a sacrifice with so feeble a compensation!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Re-Writer's Block

So frustrating. I have so much inspiration for writing but I can't find the write (right, sorry...) way to say it right now. I'm still editing my nano novel and I've discovered that I'm writing the main character too mellow.

*(Note: the main character is an Evil Lizard Person who was/is the villain in my 2010 nano novel. Whenever I read the lines he speaks in that book I cringe and visualize poking his eyeballs with a pin. He is NOT a nice guy. He's a two faced, back-stabbing, insincere, lying, obnoxious, hypocritical, EVIL lizard person.  How did I make him mellow? Really!)

The truth is, pretty early on I knew he wasn't going to stay a bad guy forever. In fact, in my Script frenzy (which I didn't finish all the way) he actually turns good. (I was so proud of myself for making that part happen and not having it feel too cheesy)

But 'My Life Among the Animals' is a Prequel. He's got to be TOTALLY obnoxious and evil in it or else it just ruins the whole point of writing his story in the first place. The character arc won't be complete.

I guess I should have waited, wrote this story first and then the Scriptfrenzy sequel. Now that I know what the problem is, I can write him a little more true to character. I'll have to re-arrange some things in the story-line though.

Just for kicks: here are pictures of three different kind of wristwatches.

And Digital
Interesting, huh?