Monday, October 21, 2013

Favorite Things of Fall: Halloween, Pumpkin Flavored Everything, Nano November, and oh yeah my birthday!

K guys you gotta do me a big favor... before reading the rest of this blog, follow the instructions on the tweet below.


COOL! LOOOKAT me I'm....

Still in scrub pants :(

Oh, well!

In case you couldn't tell I LOVE fall. I want to name my second daughter Autumn (which will be really weird if she's borne in summer) But annnyyway!

I'm here to tell you my favorite things about this season! There is so much to appreciate...the weather becoming cooler and people getting to wear modest clothes. Less sunburn, heatstroke, and offensive body odors...and people getting ready for the Holiday Season.

I live in America, so the Holiday Season generally consists of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas (unless you celebrate the Jewish Festival of Light or that trendy African Holiday one no one talks about anymore...)

  • Halloween 
I don't go out trick or treating to neighborhoods a lot. I've never thought it was very safe, and I always hear the horror stories of people putting poison or drugs into candy.

That is no way to spend a Holiday for me. A couple of years ago, I made a haunted house at my parent's house. Not a graphicly-violent, people-pop-out-and-scare-you one, but a spooky haunted house...kind of like the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.

On the driveway, I put up signs that said "Turn back now" and
"I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do I do I do I do!"

I really enjoyed putting it together. I was really proud of the lighting, and music, and the fact that my mom was scared... a little bit ;-)

This year on August 27th, I went with some of my brothers and sisters to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disneyland.

This event allows you entry into Disneyland during the late afternoon and into the night (even after the normal park hours have ended). I can't speak for everyone, but I had a great time.

 I hadn't been to Disneyland in a while, and I got to go on all of my favorite rides.

There are a lot of really cool decorations, music, and the lighting on the castle was spectacular.

I love watching the people (even whole families!) dressed up on costumes.

Disney isn't stingy on the candy, but they also serve healthy alternatives. Which made me happy.

Even though the event was sold out weeks in advance, the park itself wasn't packed. It felt safe, and everyone was there to have a good time like we were. That's not really something I get from most other Halloween celebrations I've been to.

  • Pumpkin Flavored Everything
Last Thursday, I went to my local supermarket and bought these little beauties.

When I checked out, both the cashier and they guy in line behind me had their eyes light up and we had a short but lively discussion on our favorite seasonal "pumpkin" foods.

What is it about this season that makes us want to grab the nearest starchy-carotene infested vegetable and infuse it with spices and put it in every recipe known to man?

I'm not sure. But I still enjoy it at this time of year. The rest of the year, pumpkin flavored everything would not be so appealing but in the fall it's the best thing on the planet.

Here are some of the pumpkin foods I've had so far this year:

I made these little babies from scratch. Pumpkin from the garden and everything! (of course, I couldn't have done it without the help of a crockpot and a waffle-iron so perhaps I'm not so self-sufficient after all) I added some pumpkin spices, and these were delicious! Afterward having them for breakfast, my little sister Becken said, "Hey, you know we should make pumpkin pie waffles!"


Mcdonald's Pumpkin Pie

When I was really little, Mcdonald's was a real treat. I loved the Apple Pie (hate the cherry!). Last week when I got off work and was hungry for dinner, I went to the nearest McDonalds and found THEY HAVE A PUMPKIN PIEEE!!! I got it and it was really, very good. I recommend it if you're going to Mcdonald's soon.

I don't think I've ever had the store-bought versions, but I made these at home and they were fantastic! Added some pumpkin pie spices and it really hit the spot. Next time though, I think I make them with more of the pumpkin/peanutbutter filling and less of the chocolate (which is a big commitment for me, cuz chocolate is my favorite food)

Special thanks to Becken for helping me figure these out, they are DELICIOUS!!! We made a low-sugar version so our sister and mom could have some too. They're the only one on the list that doesn't have pumpkin, but Apple is also a seasonal food, keeps long into the winter, plus there were nuts and cinnamon in I think it qulifies.

Really, this one is just a component of the pumkin-reeses above, but it was sooo good I made some by itself and it's fantastic!

Even though I'm really bad at drawing, I still tried to make these pumpkin things. They're healthy and colorful and I likem. I tried the juicebox ghosts too, but people got confused and started drawing ghosts on the surface as if it were a blank canvas.

"NO ti's a MUMMY!"


If you want to see more cool recipies for halloween, take a look at my Pinterest Board here:

  • Nanowrimo

I'm getting excited for nano this year! When I'm done with this book, the series will be "done" and I can work on editing them into something I would actually like to read!

This is my annual invitation to anyone who wants to (or wants to try to) write a book: Join me and a whole bunch of other people on a literary adventure spanning the whole month of November.

  • My Birthday
It isn't as fun as it used to be, mostly because I've worked on my last two birthdays; which means I was under the influence of melatonin and diphenhydramine when I was blowing out my candles. But still, it's nice to remember that I exist and that people love me (who'd have thought!).  So that's another thing I'm looking forward to this Fall.