Saturday, January 27, 2018

Year of Epic Fantasy Reading: Day 30 (Fireblood)

Title: Fireblood
Author: Jeff Wheeler
Themes: Trust
Quotes: "Strange how people yearn to become holy only after years of depravity.” She smiled knowingly. “Give me chastity and continence, but not yet.”
Reading/Listening Time: 12 hours, 25 minutes


This was another book that I felt was pretty exciting.  It starts out with this team of wizards from Mirrowen's CDC and they're on a mission to stop this horrible plague. And they end up getting completely massacred. Only two people survive.

And then it skips to, like, 20 years later. It ends up being like you're kind of following two stories: the present timeline, and what's happened in the past 20 years to the survivors of that "CDC" team.

It's interesting because it sets up this sense of uncertainty and you're not really sure who should trust who. The main character is inclined to be obliging, and as a reader you're kinda wondering whether or not he should be like that... Like, "Maybe he's being too naive...but also there could be a really good reason why he can't know certain things yet???"

It ends up being a bit of both, I particularly loved the twist with SPOILER ALERT the sister who acted all nice, but ended up trying to use him for stuff END SPOILER

My favorite character was Paedrin. He's, like, this monk-knight helping the main character. His perspective on the world was a pretty neat contrast to the other characters, plus I thought he was pretty funny.

Rating: 4/5 Stars.


I was really excited, after I finished this one, and started it's sequel right away.

I didn't finish it, and I thought it was a lot less exciting because it introduced this really boring new character who I didn't care about. If this weren't a sequel, I could understand playing up the mystery some more, but when you're hitting literally every. single. mystery. that we've already figured out from the first book, like you expect us to be surprised all over again, I call bull.

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