Monday, December 19, 2016

Thoughts on Rogue One and the Star Wars Fandom

Hey Friends, I'm at work so this post will be a short. I just wanted to post that I saw Rogue One yesterday and I thought it was outstanding.

My sister said something to the effect of "It makes The Force Awakens look like crap" and I'll have to say there is some truth to that.

Over the years, the Star Wars franchise and fandom have kind of trivialized tragedy and loss, and Rogue One kind of smacked us in the face with the gravity of it.

Watching it was a fantastic experience, and I was shocked at how integral it all felt to the Star Wars Saga: illuminating themes and plotholes and delivering  them in a whole new light. (I highly recommend watching it in a double feature along with my favorite episode: A New Hope.)

But it's also the type of thing I don't want to share with the fandom right now. I'm not ready to contend with their negativity about how the CGI looked dumb, or how they changed too much from the trailer. Or how the content is not canonical anyway; or that it's basically Episode III's opening crawl....or just exists to explain away a plot hole in Episode III.

I just don't care for that discussion at this point.

I'm sorry you (that's a proverbial you, not a personal you) can't appreciate something for what it is. Embrace it's flaws and imperfections, and find beauty and meaning and motivation in it. 

So I'm keeping Rogue One all to myself. Nope, I'm not sharing. Not fair? Okay, you can borrow it when you learn how to treat it nicely.

Be good and have a Happy Christmas ;)

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