Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sisterhood of World Bloggers

I've been awarded The Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award by my blogging buddy over at Thanks, Fawn!

As part of this, I'll answer the questions she gave me, and then nominate other blogs with my own questions.

What is your favorite fandom?

As far as fandom community, probably The Lord of the Rings. Every fandom has trolls, but for the most part people who are into Lord of the Rings aren't elitist, the just want to share the whole experience. It's really nice.

Are you obsessed with that fandom?

Not at the moment. (Star Wars is...still in theaters...)

What is your favorite book and why?

The Hobbit is my favorite book because it introduced me to Tolkien's world and I relate to Bilbo.

What is your favorite hobby?

Reading. It's really the only hobby I've kept since school, unfortunately.

How much time and effort do you put into your hobby?

Quite a bit. Follow my Reading Adventures here:

Where would you live in any fictional world and why?

I want to say The Shire. I'd probably live in Brandybuck Hall though (communal dwelling with family etc.).The Brandybucks aren't particularly adventurous, but they live right near the border of The Shire. They have regular dealings with humans and dwarves and everyone else in the four farthings are kind of leery of them because of that...

What is your favorite movie and why?

That kind of changes depending on my interest at the time.

Right now it's probably a tie between Les Miserables (2012), and Austenland. Les Miserables is and intense, passionate and complex about the human condition and our connection to a higher power and morality (it also has really awesome, intense singing in it). Austenland is about what it's like to be in a fandom. (Sometimes it's a really good thing that helps us have fun and connect to other people, and we can sometimes get carried away too much), it makes me laugh every time I watch it!

What is one meal that you think you can eat every day forever?

Right now, I think it's Ortega Burger with Cheese with Sweet Potato Fries (with the powdered sugar on the top). Yummers.

You just won the lottery. What would you buy first?

I'd buy my sister tuition.

If you were a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be?

Macadamia nut, white chocolate, and cranberry cookie.

(Sweet and tart, and crunchy)

Here are my Nominations:

Keamy at or

Morfenwin at

Red at or

Reyofsunshine at

Murray at

My Questions:

1) What's the last book you read/listened to, and did you like it?
2) Dark or Milk Chocolate?
3) What's the funnest game you've ever played? (It can be tabletop, sport, or digital platform)
4) Do you have a favorite scent (perfume/lotion or natural), if so what is it?
5) What's your birthstone?
6) Which Hogwarts House do you think you'd be in?
7) If you could teleport anywhere in the world where would you go and what would you see/do?
8) What is your least favorite movie?
9) What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
10) What is your favorite of Padme Amidala's dresses?

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