Tuesday, April 29, 2014

T: Tamponade, Pulmonary

I could only find one source on Pulmonary Tamponade. Most of the documents on H' and T's don't even mention this one.


According to the UCSF Children's Hospital Intensive Care Nursery House Staff Manual, Pulmonary Tamponade is a complication of intubation. If ventilator settings are too high, the lungs become over expanded and air gets trapped in them. The Chest wont move as much, CO2 will be high, O2 will be low, and blood pressure will decrease.

Settings will need to be adjusted (which I have no idea how to do, so until I learn about respiratory therapy I'm going to leave it at that).

Disconnect vent for about 5 seconds while you reset to allow lungs to expell air.

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