Thursday, November 1, 2012

Being a Vegitablearian

So, How was my life without meat, cheese, eggs and basically all animal products? Not bad actually.

I learned a lot of the things I thought I enjoyed actually aren't that important to me and that a lot of the foods I thought I enjoyed really just made me feel sick. 

It's important to eat regularly and have an energy source that takes longer to break down before a long trip, or when you might not have access to food for a while.  

I honestly hate how fresh foods spoil now. I think I should buy more freeze dried stuffs.

Yesterday I almost messed up. I put a half string cheese in my mouth. I now feel dirty and violated, I spit it out right away. 

I thought by the end of all this I'd really be dying for, like, a hamburger or something, what I really want is another of those Vegetarian Chapolte Burritos!

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