Friday, September 12, 2008

LOST IS an Educational Show

Believe it or not, LOST is an educational program. At the Michael Emerson Fan Board, a number of fans came up with all the great things that they had learned just by watching LOST. Here they are for your educational information:

1. That there is such a thing as a smoke monster that takes photos of your mind.
2. More people are named after philosophers who are hundreds of years old than you'd think.
3. Bald guys strolling out of the jungle can make all your dreams come true.
4. To Never pick up dolls lying on the forest floor.
5. Ernest Hemingway was jealous of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
6. Pacemakers can make your heart blow up.
7. You turn incredibly evil the minute you become a father.
8. Listen to the voice in your gut. DO NOT DRINK THE ORANGE JUICE.
9. You can resuscitate a near-dead person by banging on their chest really hard.
10. If your father starts torturing your boyfriend, it's probably because he doesn't want the two of you to have sex.
11. Polar bears apparently can survive a tropical climate.
12. Hot air balloons are kept aloft by 550,000 cubic feet of helium and 100,000 feet of hot air.
13. What a fuselage is.
14. What you call those tubes where you put something in and it shoots it up (pneumatic).
15. What a pylon is.
16. The ocean won't take my gold card.
17. If you use electricity, you're cheating.
18. That warm beers taste good too.
19. That you can watch a TV show frame by frame.
20. Nadia Comaneci was the greatest athlete that ever lived.
21. Hamsters are an underutilized resource as generators.
22. Backgammon is the one of the oldest games on earth.
23. Eucalyptus can stave off an asthma attack.
24. Imaginary peanut butter is the best bloody peanut butter in the world.
25. Moths are more interesting than butterflies.
26. That only fools are enslaved by time and space, apparently.
27. That people get excited about going camping even when they live on a beach and are camping.
28. Don't listen to Jack, even if he represents Reason.
29. Screaming, "Don't tell me what I can't do!" never solved anything.
30. If you suspect someone, check to see if they have four toes.
31. If you implement a code-word system, make sure you have one for 'there's a man in my closet holding a gun to my daughter's head'.
32. Being born early gives you the power to overthrow an entire scientific organization in one day.
33. When torturing someone, ask yourself: "Do I feel guilty about doing this?" If not, the person is lying.
34. Apollo bars are good sources of nutrition that should be handed to children to eat at will.
35. After you see someone commit murder, maybe it's not the best idea to come in screaming his name so you can be a sitting duck. Right Libby?
36. If you meet a doctor with tattoos and think there might be an interesting story behind them, think again.
37. If you are elected leader of a group, cry a lot and when someone makes a suggestion, say some variation of “we’re done.” People love that.
38. Insurance companies don’t like people who can’t actually walk on walkabouts.
39. If somebody steals your kidney, you don't have to feel bad about saying "no" the next time they ask for a favor.
40. It takes exactly one hour to bleed out if your kidney sack is cut open. Anything less than an hour and you'll be just fine.
41. If you're not on the list, you wouldn't understand, so don't bother asking.
42. In interpersonal communication, it is perfectly OK to answer someone's important question with silence and a blank stare. This always gets the message across. If, for some reason, they're feeling a bit feisty, say something like, "It's... complicated," or make fun of them for asking you in the first place.
43. If you ever have pain in your lower back, assume the worst. And then BE THE NICEST YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE to the first spinal surgeon you meet.
44. If a psychologist tells you that something will be freeing for you, whatever it is, do it. Even if it means ruining an entire stash of food other stranded people might like to eat.
45. Steam opens up your pores. (Supposedly.)
46. If you think one gun and one bullet is going to stop them … think again.
47. If you need surgery, don't ask the doctor to do it for you. Plan a way to meet him or her in the middle of nowhere (make sure s/he brings some friends along), incapacitate the doctor with a tazer gun, put a potato sack on his or her head, lock the doctor up in an aquarium tank made for sharks and dolphins, torture the hell out of the doctor, and only when the doctor finally wants to do the surgery, you go ahead and accept. (This procedure makes HMOs look really good.)
48. Listening to Korean ghost stories in Korean is very funny.
49. Don't give anyone your kidney without asking questions first.
50. That guy who's a complete jerk to everyone is actually a tortured soul. You just need to waste your time and energy on him first.
51. If you thought someone was an evil ass before, just wait till you see him when he thinks he's in Hell.
52. If you're sleeping with a girl your boss likes, maybe you should be more suspicious when he sends you to infiltrate a group of plane tail section survivors.
53. having a southerner kill your father, or you’re the US marshall in charge of your arrest, will solve all you problems for one whole season.
54. Blood is easily obtainable by just jabbing someone in the arm. You don't have to find a vein
55. Small propeller planes can fly from Africa to the middle of the Pacific Ocean without refueling.
56. Tattoos are important symbol of your leadership.
57. Getting pounded in the chest for 5 whole minutes brings you back to life.
58. That you can live off of fish and seafood for a month and not get diarrhea.
59. That you can tramp around in a tropical jungle and still wear pants an NEVER complain about how hot it is.
60. That you can drink stagnant water and not get sick.
61. Some anesthesias are administered to the sternum with a really long needle.
62. If you want people to think you have a really good plan, make them all hike into the jungle and then blow up a tree.
63. Nothing can take your mind off the woman you've searched for for years than a spoiled blond white girl.
64. Some people get offended when you never make soup for them.
65. Pay attention to dogs when they pull sheets off of 'dead' people.
66. If you have a tumor on your back you can still go on long hikes, be tortured, and beat people up.
67. Incest is alright.
69. And, of course, if you're an actor on a high-profile show, NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE


Red said...

I was seriosly LOL even with my VERY limited knowledge of LOST! :-)

Fawnabelle Baggins said...

OMG LOL! This is so hilarious but true! I'm glad another person says Lost is educational. My mom is a HUGE Lost fan and after every episode she would ask, "So what did you learn in this episode?" And my little sister would say something like, "Ben's a real creep and don't let anyone read your mind!" or something like that. All in all, I LOVE THIS SHOW!