Monday, September 17, 2012

NANO update!

This is November I will be working an yet another project: a book titled "Insincerity: My Life Among the Lizard People"

Most of the story takes place at the same time, and in the same situations, as "In Sincerity: My Life Among the Animals" but it will be through Morbid's perspective instead of Dro's.

Yup, I'm finally writing about a human being!

I've been writing a prequel short story that will lead up to this novel quite well. It can be found on deviantart, here

It does need a lot of revision, so if you have any questions about the confusing narrative or setting please comment so I can address it.

I really like these stories because I'm able to communicate ideas that are important to me though them. However, I also want to make the story enjoyable enough to other people, even if they don't get those ideas.

So please leave feedback if you can!

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